"One can only hope that as history progresses, it will also repeat itself, resulting in Conservatives being forcefully herded into their own semi-autonomous reservations scattered throughout the Bible Belt, filled with evangelical churches instead of casinos. And heavily taxed to subsidize gay marriage and provide free abortions on-demand."
–Ruthless Reviews » THE 9/12/09 TAXPAYER MARCH ON WASHINGTON
Experimental video montage from 2006 with some old Super8 film.
Music: Aphex Twin "Come to Daddy (Pappy Remix)"
I’ve seen this image floating around the internet but didn’t know that it was more then a cool poster but a brilliant conceptual designed posted. The designer (Roland Tiangco) describes it: “A poster the recipient completes by revealing spot-varnished type with hands made dirty by handling the poster. This is the first of a series of posters.” I love smart design so much, designs with no concept are so boring and sadly so common.
(via oscarzabala)